All programs are subject to change. Thank you for your patience.
December 16, 2020 - By: Danbury-Seniors
The waiting list for Kimberly Place Apts, will be OPEN Tuesday, December 15th and close once (80) 62+ and (20) disabled applications are attained. Please call 203-797–1919 for an application during business hours and provide an email, fax or a pick-up option will be provided. Income restrictions apply.
La lista de espera para Kimberly Place Apts, se ABRIRA el jueves 15 de diciembre y cerrará una vez que se alcancen las solicitudes requeridas (80) 62+ y (20) desabilitados. Llame al 203-797-1919 durante el horario laboral para obtener una solicitud y proporcione un correo electrónico, fax o recoger en la officina. Se aplican restricciones de ingresos.
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