All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Join us at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center on Thursday, November 3 at 1:00 pm for a program called: Who’s Watching Your Wallet? A program on Medicare Fraud /Abuse and Scams .
Have you ever been puzzled over all that information in your Medicare Summary Notice? You know— the statement of charges that the government sends you from time to time. Are you concerned by the kinds of scams and abuse that are directed at seniors like you? Would you like to acquire the sort of know-how you can use to DEFEND YOURSELF? Join us here at Elmwood Hall as the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging goes over the Newest Scams out to “GET YOU”. This a free program! Please sign up in person or by calling 203-797-4686!