All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) and Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association (RVNA), are partnering to create a “Then and Now” Cookbook, comprised of favorite recipes from local senior center participants: Elmwood Hall, New Fairfield, Ridgefield, Wilton and Weston.
Doreen Frey, a student at WCSU will be heading up the “Then and Now” Cookbook project and is currently interning at RVNA under the Preceptor of Barbara L. Newland, Director of Community Health & Wellness at RVNA.
RVNA and WCSU are looking for senior center participants to be a part of this exciting and educational cookbook project! On Friday, February 17, at 11:00 am, you will meet Doreen and hear about her “Then and Now” Cookbook project in detail, including what the goal of her project is, and what steps need to be taken to achieve this project goal!
This is a great chance to share your favorite recipe(s), be a part of a multi-senior center project, see this project through from start to finish and learn some amazing new nutritional facts!
All recipes submitted that are in the final cookbook will be entered in a drawing at the end of her internship and the winning recipe will be the featured meal at a luncheon, hosted at RVNA for all cookbook participants and contributors FREE of charge.
All participants will receive a FREE copy of the final cookbook as a thank you for participating and being a part of her internship project.
She needs you to ensure that her project is a success!