All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Prescription Drug Take Back Day!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Danbury Police Headquarters – 375 Main Street, Danbury, CT
It’s a great time to clean out your medicine cabinet!
Protect our kids, families and environment by properly disposing of your unwanted and expired medicines. Medicines in the home are a leading cause of accidental poisoning and flushed or trashed medicines can end up polluting our waters. Rates of prescription drug abuse are alarmingly high – over half of teens abusing medicines get them from a family member or friend, including the home medicine cabinet, and often without their knowledge.
Items/Drugs Not Accepted: Sharps/Needles/Syringes Any Chemotherapeutic (Cytotoxic/Antineoplastic Drugs) Any Radioactive Medications (Radiopharmaceuticals & Tracers)
Please click hereDownload RX Drug Take Back Day for more information!