All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Ride over to the “Down Town Chow Down” with your friends from the Elmwood Hall Senior Center and enjoy food and festivities at this great weekly Summer downtown event.
Limited seating. First preference to those who do not have transportation of their own. Sign up required. Bring cash to pay for your own lunch – around $8 – $15 although we will be asking for senior discounts at all the food trucks.
Ride over to the “Down Town Chow Down” with your friends from the Elmwood Hall Senior Center and enjoy food and festivities at this great weekly Summer downtown event.
Limited seating. First preference to those who do not have transportation of their own. Sign up required. Bring cash to pay for your own lunch – around $8 – $15 although we will be asking for senior discounts at all the food trucks.
Falls Prevention Series on Tuesdays in September. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans. Falls threaten seniors’ safety and independence and generate enormous economic and personal costs. September is Fall Prevention month.
September 12 at 10:30 – Benefits of Tai Chi Instructor, Susan Bradley, will explain and lead an interactive demonstration of the Dr. Fuzhong Li style of Tai Chi. Dr. Fuzhong Li, Ph.D, a leading tai chi researcher whose method is proven to improve balance. Susan is certified in the Yang style Dr. Li teaches.
September 19 at 1:00 pm – Balance Testing, Avoiding Falls, Building Strength. Physical Therapists from Greenwood Physical Therapy will be here doing balance testing and offering tips to help you stay on your feet.
September 26 at 1:00 pm – Home Safety and Modifications with Jim Gustin from Home Crew CT, a certified Aging in Place Home Specialist.
Fall Prevention Series Flyer >
Do you ever feel like your doctor doesn’t take the time to answer your questions? Bring your questions to Elmwood Hall and have Geriatrician Dr. Susann Varano, Director of the Elder Horizons Program at Yale-New Haven Hospital, answer them.
We ask that you write any questions that you would like Dr. Varano to answer or address at her talk and turn them in to the Front Desk by September 8.
We will get them to her in advance so that she can provide the best answers possible.
The Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut will be running the Aging Mastery Program® at Danbury Senior Center.
The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) encourages mastery—developing behaviors across many dimensions that will lead to improved health, stronger financial security, and overall well-being.
By participating in this program, you will:
The program will launch on September 12th through November 21st at 10:30 am. Participants must be registered by September 5th, 2017. This program is free to Danbury residents. The fee for non-Danbury residents is $60
Click here for Aging Mastery Curriculum >