All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
A combination of freestyle and line dancing to the music of DJ Kevin Burland. Wear red, white and blue. $3 donation. Refreshments served including hot dog and chips.
Head over with us on the Senior Center van for food trucks, live music, and great fun at the Downtown Chow-Down in Kennedy Park! Van departs Senior Center at by 11:30. Seating is limited, call to reserve your spot.
Be a part of our Movie Club and enjoy afternoon movies, snacks and lively discussion! $1 donation appreciated.
July Movie Line Up:
July 15 – Jaws, post movie discussion led by Kevin Burland
July 22 – A Chorus Line, post movie discussion led by Kevin Burland
July 29 – Can You Ever Forgive Me, post movie discussion led by Michelle McNamara
Know as a “Celebration Destination” the Cream and Sugar Cafe is sought out for their Extreme Edible Art Pieces known as Freak Shakes & Sundaes.
Ride over on the senior center van or meet us there. Van departs senior center at 1:45 pm. Sign up required, especially to reserve your seat on the van. Pay on your own for ice cream.
Learn about majestic birds of prey and fascinating reptiles with Christine Peyreigne, a licensed falconer, wildlife rehabilitator, and educator.
Christine’s Critters, Inc. is a non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates and educates the public about birds of prey and reptiles.