All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Are you searching for answers regarding your loved one’s well being? Join Maplewood Stony Hill to learn about:
Open to the public. Limited seating, Snacks and beverages provided. For more information or to RSVP, contact Concierge at 203-207-4100 or [email protected]
Are you searching for answers regarding your loved one’s well being? Join Maplewood Stony Hill to learn about:
Open to the public. Limited seating, Snacks and beverages provided. For more information or to RSVP, contact Concierge at 203-207-4100 or [email protected]
One-on-One Tech Help Sessions Go further with your computer and technology skills at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center
Book 20/30 min. appointments from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on the following days: December 17, 2018 and January 22, 2019 with the friendly, tech-savvy staff from the Danbury Library who will help guide you through the following (and possibly more) with your laptop, kindle, tablet, or phone:
*The tech savvy staff does not service hardware of any kind and they cannot install software on personal devices.
An appointment must be made in advance by calling Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center at 203-797-4686. Please be sure on the day of your appointment to bring your device and any questions that you may have.
Seniors and Caregivers: Empower yourself to prevent, detect, and report healthcare fraud and more!
You will walk away with practical tips to start using right away. Scammers keep learning new tricks,
why shouldn’t we?
Come and check out the ALL NEW and best way to play the game that incorporates technology. The game is played in teams of 4 so come out and have some fun.