All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Join DJ Kevin Burland as he spins the tunes for freestyle and line dancing. Refreshments served. Sponsored by Candlewood Valley Health and Rehab.
Flu shots provided by the nurses at Western CT Homecare, Inc. Please call Elmwood Hall for an appointment and make sure you bring your Medicare card.
Presented by Dr. Jennifer Kolwicz, Director of Rehab at Candlewood Valley Health & Rehab Center, you will learn what YOU can do to prevent falls. Discussion will be held on components of balance, risk factors for falls, and how therapy services can help you with assessment of balance and reducing current risk.
Elder Law Attorney Lynda Arnold, from Czepiga, Daly, Pope, and Perri will discuss what a trust is and explain the different types of trusts and what they can help people accomplish. She will also help people understand if a trust is even something they need.
Enjoy poetry? Reading it, writing it, discussing it? Then you’ll love this six week workshop, led by poet/retired educator Barb Jennes. Each week, we’ll read and discuss 3-4 related poems. Then, you’ll be encouraged to write and share your own poems, guided by easy, inspirational writing prompts. Finally, you’ll have the chance to share your favorite poems – your own, or those written by others – at a celebratory poetry reading in November, where your guests will be welcome and refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. Please call to sign up.