All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Join DJ Kevin Burland as he creates his own March Madness by taking a stroll through the music and dances of yesterday. Let’s find out if the Hokey Pokey is REALLY what it’s all about. And if you like, wear some green! Please email Susan Tomanio by Friday, March 5 to receive the Zoom invitation.
Join Adele online in the comfort of your home as she provides basic drawing skills to help you creatively express yourself. For beginner to intermediate artists. A pencil or any other drawing medium and paper is all that is needed for the class. Please email Susan by Wednesday, February 17 to sign up and receive the Zoom invitation.
Adele Moros is a multi-media fine artist always ready to try a new medium or a new approach to an old one.
Brought to you by the students at the Health and BioScience Academy at Danbury High School, each of these three programs are designed to be informative and educational. They will include techniques to protect yourself from COVID19 and assistance in acknowledging the importance of selfcare. Use of video, lecture, and games such a Kahoot and Jeopardy will make sessions interesting and engaging.
You may participate in one session or all three.
Please email Susan Tomanio, MSW, LCSW to sign up and receive the Zoom link.
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Don’t let this happen to you. The answer is strength training. As we age we lose more and more muscle tissue. Strength training helps you maintain your muscle tissue. Coleen is an upbeat, warm, friendly instructor, but don’t be fooled, she will make you work, at your own pace, of course!
Open to those age 60 plus. You must be a member of the Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center. Membership is free.
Advanced registration required. Spots are limited due to social distancing. Masks are required. Please call ahead to reserve your spot at 203-797-4686.
Chair Yoga is approved by the Arthritis Foundation to ease the aches and pains of arthritis sufferers and is very beneficial for people with sedentary lifestyles. Advantages of Chair Yoga: Increase circulation, aids heart and lung functions, improves mental clarity, and reduces aches and pains. Classes can be light and demanding at the same time. The perfect blend of play and serious practice. We might even get a few dances in from time to time. In any event, you’re certain to have fun!
Open to those age 60 plus. You must be a member of the Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center. Membership is free.
Advanced registration required. Spots are limited due to social distancing. Masks are required. Please call ahead to reserve your spot at 203-797-4686.