All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Take action to improve heart health!
Our community partner, the Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut is offering a Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program! Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring is an evidence-based program that features personalized support for developing a blood pressure self-monitoring routine, tips for maintaining cardiovascular health and nutrition education. Office hours will be held virtually on Tuesdays and Wednesday so you can check in with YMCA staff for coaching and support.
To see if you qualify or for additional information contact:
Lisa O’Conner at [email protected] or at 203-775-4444, ext. 135 OR there will be a “virtual” information session on Tuesday, April 20 at 9:00am. Here is the Zoom link for the virtual information session:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 0757 1186
A fun and engaging presentation about the oceans and rivers in CT including Sea Shanties performed by Tom Callinan, a multi-faceted performing artist designated Connecticut’s first “Official State Troubadour” in 1991. Participants must register ahead of time to receive the link.
Register for “Water Water Everywhere” on April 30th
This is a statewide virtual Senior Center program brought to you by the CT Healthy Living Collective, The CT Association of Senior Center Personnel, and AARP CT.
In Amazement: Amanda Gorman & THAT Inauguration Poem – A Virtual Two-Part Series by Barb Jennes
How does a 22-year was raised by a single mother in Watts and who struggled to overcome a serious speech impediment end up on center stage at President Joe Biden’s Inauguration?
With POETRY – a genre embraced for its ability to heal. Join Ridgefield Poet Laureate Barb Jennes for a two-part presentation in which we’ll look closely at Ms. Gorman’s breathtaking inauguration poem, “The Hill We Climb,” as well as at two of her other stunning spoken-word pieces. We’ll watch clips from interviews with the U.S. Youth Poet Laureate in which she discusses the hills she’s climbed in her rise to fame. Please join us as we celebrate this remarkable young poet and her amazing poetic gift.
Please email Susan Tomanio at [email protected] by Friday, April 16 to receive the Zoom link.
Image is the art work of Kimothy Joy.
Description: Beginners as well as advanced, intermediate students can benefit from Adele’s common sense, but technically skilled art instruction. Choose your medium, oil, pastel, acrylic, colored pencil, whatever you like. Adele’s class is like a one on one coaching session with critiques, instruction, and and tips and tricks that can help any artist. This class is on-going, join anytime.
Open to those age 60 plus. You must be a member of the Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center. Membership is free.
Advanced registration required. Spots are limited due to social distancing. Masks are required. Please call ahead to reserve your spot at 203-797-4686.
Spontaneity, capturing a moment with color, outdoor settings, these are the things we think of when we picture the work of Monet, Renoir and the Impressionists. These two interactive sessions will focus on understanding the Impressionists as an introduction to today’s painting.
Please email Susan by Thursday, April 1 to sign up.