All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Danbury Museum and Historical Society board member, genealogist and family researcher Robert Young, will talk about his efforts to document extensive New England roots and provide tips and hints for other family history buffs!
Join Executive Director and City Historian Brigid Guertin, Research Specialist Diane Hassan and the Collections Manager Michele Amundsen to explore the archives of The Danbury Museum & Historical Society. Browse newspaper microfilm, local history subject files, historic photos, family surname files and other research library collections. Pose questions, conduct research, get guidance, and have FUN at this late night search and research session.
Free Admission. Advance registration is appreciated. If there is a particular topic that you would like to explore, please let us know so we can pull materials in advance!
The Danbury Library is conducting its first chess tournament. This open tournament is free to all ages and skill levels and will run on Thursdays, October 15 and October 22.
Please click the link for more detailed information Chess tournament October 2015
Please join Elder Law Attorney Ann Fowler-Cruz (Cohen and Wolf, PC), at Glen Crest on Thursday, October 14, 2015 at Noon for a lunch and learn presentation on: Plan, Prepare & Protect: Strategies as We Age.
This Lunch and Learn is sponsored by Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association and hosted by Genesis Health Care (Glen Crest).
Please click here more more information Flyer Glen Crest RVNA Lunch n’Learn Oct 14 2015.
To Honor the Veterans of All American Wars
Both past and Present
For They Have Blessed Us
With Freedom by Their Service
This event includes a brief ceremony, a remembrance walk (one mile), and the presentation of the Walk of Honor Warrior Award.
“This year the Walk of Honor is paying tribute to the World War II veterans. It is only fitting with the 70th anniversary and with how rapidly we are losing our WWII veterans, that we let them know how much we appreciate them,” said Mary Teicholz, founder and organizer of the event.
For more information about the Walk of Honor, click here >