All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
This trip is being run through the AARP Danbury Chapter #1067.
Please contact JoAnn Farrell at 203-746-4084 to register for this trip and for more payment information.
Please note that the Bus will leave from the Police Athletic Building, 30 Hayestown Rd., Danbury, CT at 9:00 am on October 19.
Libraries and writers share a special bond—an appreciation of the power of the written word to enlighten, inspire, and satisfy the curious mind. The Bethel Public Library is a great place to meet writers and for writers to meet! In addition to author talks, the Library hosts group meetings for writers and poets. It’s a great opportunity for would-be authors because surveys show that writers who meet regularly are more motivated and steadily improve their skills!
The Bethel Library Writers Group’s next meeting is September 21 at 6:00 pm; and the Poetry Group’s next meeting is September 17 at 10:15 am. Both the Writers and Poetry Groups are open to all adults 21 years and older. There are no prerequisites other than a willingness to bring an original piece to read and to give and receive constructive feedback.
Join us in the Bethel Library’s Morse Conference Room, 189 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel. In order to allow each person to actively participate, registration is required and limited to 10 per meeting. Register through the Library’s online calendar at, or call 203-794-8756 x4.
All programs sponsored by the Bethel Public Library are open to the public and meet accessibility requirements for the disabled. Those needing special accommodations should contact the Library at least two weeks prior to the program date to make arrangements.
Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association (RVNA) is sponsoring an Educational Presentation on Tuesday, September 13 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Please click this link for more information Flyer-Community Forum Ask the Experts…Finding Senior Solutions.c 9.13.16
As part of our Fall Friday Fun, the ever popular program, Name That Tune is back!
Join us at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center on Friday, October 28 at 1:00 pm as host Kevin Burland provides pure fun!
Please call 203-797-4686 or stop by to sign up and either play or be a member of the audience! All are welcome!
Join us at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center on Thursday, November 3 at 1:00 pm for a program called: Who’s Watching Your Wallet? A program on Medicare Fraud /Abuse and Scams .
Have you ever been puzzled over all that information in your Medicare Summary Notice? You know— the statement of charges that the government sends you from time to time. Are you concerned by the kinds of scams and abuse that are directed at seniors like you? Would you like to acquire the sort of know-how you can use to DEFEND YOURSELF? Join us here at Elmwood Hall as the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging goes over the Newest Scams out to “GET YOU”. This a free program! Please sign up in person or by calling 203-797-4686!