All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
The Ambassadors Instrumental Band is a creation of the Danbury Music Center. Comprised of all seniors, they will delight with holiday favorites, songs of yesteryear, and some old time rock and roll.
Join us at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 1:00 pm for this special performance.
Prescription Drug Take Back Day!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Danbury Police Headquarters – 375 Main Street, Danbury, CT
It’s a great time to clean out your medicine cabinet!
Protect our kids, families and environment by properly disposing of your unwanted and expired medicines. Medicines in the home are a leading cause of accidental poisoning and flushed or trashed medicines can end up polluting our waters. Rates of prescription drug abuse are alarmingly high – over half of teens abusing medicines get them from a family member or friend, including the home medicine cabinet, and often without their knowledge.
Items/Drugs Not Accepted: Sharps/Needles/Syringes Any Chemotherapeutic (Cytotoxic/Antineoplastic Drugs) Any Radioactive Medications (Radiopharmaceuticals & Tracers)
Please click hereDownload RX Drug Take Back Day for more information!
Rat Pack Together Again will take you back to a time when seeing Frank, Dean & Sammy in Vegas was the ultimate night out in show business! Starring Tony Sands, Johnny Petillo, and Geno Monroe, these acclaimed performers embody the music and comedy of the legendary trio.
A Thrilling Night of Great Music and song at The Palace Danbury!
Call The Palace Danbury for your tickets! Use code “Elmwood” for a $5 senior discount!