All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center is pleased to announce that AARP Tax Assistance will begin on Thursday, February 2 and will run through April 18 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Please call to schedule an appointment to have your tax return completed by experienced AARP volunteers. This is a Free service. On the day of your appointment, you will need to bring with you: Your 2015 Tax Return, Proper Form of Identification including Social Security Card and ALL of your 2016 Tax Information.
Please click here for a list of What to Bring to you Tax Appointment Download WHAT TO BRING TO AARP TAX APPOINTMENT
Geriatrician Dr. Susann Varano, Director of the Elder Horizons Program at Yale-New Haven Hospital and Candlewood Valley Health and Rehabilitation Center in New Milford, CT will give a presentation at Elmwood Hall – Danbury Senior Center, Friday,April 28, 2017 at 11:00 am on how to identify the different types of pain as well as their treatment options.
Elmwood Hall is prous to be celebrating
History Month and Valentine’s Day
with Danbury Museum Director Brigid Guertin
as she explores Danbury In Love…. Famous Danbury Couples from the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries like John and Mary Rider, Dr. and Mrs. Knox, Marian Anderson and Mr. Fisher and many more.
Please join us at Elmwood Hall on Tuesday, February 14 at 11:00 am
Please join us at Elmwood Hall- Danbury Senior Center
on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 12:30 pm
for a brief cerermony of recognition and thanks
for ALL of those involved in helping to make
our NEW Service Bus a Reality!
A Winter Wii bowling League is getting ready to form! There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 held at 2:00 pm at Elmwood Hall- Danbury Senior Center. Please come to the meeting with your team or as a single to find a team. No experience necessary. Beginners welcome. This league will run for 8 weeks and will end with a banquet.