All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program will have a new class beginning on Thursday, May 18 at 10:00 am.
Please click here for more information Download May Thursdays at Elmwood Hall
Information Session and Free Screenings
Join the Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut at Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center to learn more about the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program.
Information sessions will be held at 10:00 am and screenings will begin at 10:30am by appointment on Thursday April 20th.
Attendees will be eligible for a FREE Biometric Screening at the completion of the Information Session.
Registration is required. Please call Elmwood Hall at 203-797-4686 to register. For questions regarding the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, please contact Lisa O’Connor at the Regional YMCA at 203-775-4444 ext 135.
Frontotemporal Dementia
Tuesday, March 14
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Presented by Rebekah Wilson
During this educational session you will learn about the differences between Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and other forms of dementia, the subtypes of FTD, common behavioral expressions and strategies for managing behaviors. For more information or to RSVP, contact Eileen Duggan at 914-534-1126 or at [email protected]. Light refreshments will be served.
Please click here for more information Download Highlighting Dementia Flyer
A trip to beautiful Maine with guided tours of Portland, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Pineland Farms. Visit to Boothbay Bay Railway Village and more. Cost: $565 per person in a double room. $545 per person in triple room, and $805 in a single. Deposit of $75 is due April 1st with the remaining balance due July 15th. This trip is being run through the AARP Danbury Chapter #1067. Please contact JoAnn Farrell at 203-746-4084 to register for this trip and for more payment information. Please note that the Bus will leave from the Police Athletic Building, 30 Hayestown Rd., Danbury, CT .
This two night – three day stay at RESORTS Casino Hotel in Atlantic City includes bonus package and meal coupons. A $25 deposit is due ASAP. The balanace is due March 31. Space is still available.
This trip is being run through the AARP Danbury Chapter #1067. Please contact JoAnn Farrell at 203-746-4084 to register for this trip and for more payment information. Please note that the Bus will leave from the Police Athletic Building, 30 Hayestown Rd., Danbury, CT .