All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
Bethel Library has a brand-new Poetry Group!
Please join us this Saturday, February 6, 10:15-11:45 am, for a wonderful opportunity to meet with fellow poets to share, discuss, and write poetry! The Library’s Poetry Group is for adults (age 21 and up) who want to share their poetry and get feedback in a relaxed and supportive environment of peers. This group is meant to be participatory, so please bring your own poetry, or a poem or two by a favorite author. You may request feedback from the group on your own work if you like.
Registration is limited to 12, and there are still seats left. You may register by replying to [email protected], by going through the Library’s online event calendar or by calling the Reference Desk at 203-794-8756 x4. Again, thank you for joining us to share your talent.