All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
The Bethel Public Library presents “The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife,” with author Velya Jancz-Urban on Wednesday October 7, 6:30-8:00 pm. Velya will share what she discovered about the challenges faced by colonial New England women while researching her novel Acquiescence. Learn what life was really like for these women as they dealt with everyday ailments and conditions. Some facts of colonial life will make you shudder, while you wonder what they were thinking back in those early days. You will also be offered a complimentary cup of Women’s Tonic Tea. The program is geared toward adults and young adults; please, no children.
Registration is required. Please register through the Library’s online calendar at, call the Library at 203-794-8756 x4, or sign up at the Library’s Reference Desk, Bethel Public Library, 189 Greenwood Avenue.
All programs sponsored by the Bethel Public Library meet accessibility requirements for the disabled. Those needing special accommodations should contact the Library two weeks prior to the program to make arrangements.