Mayor Boughton’s Fall Festival 2017 for Danbury Area Seniors age 60 and up!
November 12, 2017 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Amber Room Colonnade
1 Stacey Rd
Danbury, CT 06811
All Danbury area seniors age 60 or older welcome at this yearly event. Cost per ticket is $15. Purchase tickets in advance at the Elmwood Hall Senior Center. Tickets go on sale on Monday, October 2 up until Wednesday, November 8. Included is a lovely Thanksgiving style lunch, dancing to the Kenny Lee Band, and fabulous raffle prizes. Delightfully hosted by Mayor Mark Boughton! An event not to be missed!
If you or your organization would like to donate a raffle basket or gift card to the this special event, please call Susan M. Tomanio, LCSW, Director of Elderly Services to learn how you can be one of the Fall Festival sponsors.