All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
All programs are subject to change. Thanks for your patience.
December 21, 2014 - By: Danbury-Seniors
The City of Danbury Department of Elderly Services in conjunction with Danbury’s Aging in Place Council proudly launched their new website on Tuesday June 14th. Over 100 seniors, community leaders, service providers and city of Danbury staff attended the website launch that included a presentation of all the special features of the website by its creators, Julia Nable and Zoltan Csillag of SandorMax: Integrated Marketing, Inspired Design, a local Sandy Hook website and branding company.
“We would like the website to serve as a way for the community to find the resources they need and for the community to take part in sharing resources with us to benefit the senior population, caregivers and those who have concerns regarding senior issues.”